What is a Solo Ad

A solo ad or email ad as it is known, is having someone with a large email database send out a personalized email message/broadcast on your behalf to promote your product or service; at a fee (you’d typically pay cost per click/CPC or cost per lead/CPL).

The ad will have a recommendation and a link to your product’s opt-in offer page (where you’d want to offer a bait for the user to get their email address).

A free offer or a free ebook will lure people to trade their email address for the lead magnet, this way, you can build your own email list and eventually make sales after building a good relationship with the subscribers. Solo Ads are one of my favorite ways to promote products, with paid advertising, you can fail fast and when you find a winner, scaling is easy!

This is how a solo ad looks like –

Subject Line: The Truth is finally revealed!


XYZ [The content]

Take it for a spin today [Call to Action]

Talk Soon,


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